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Our Contribution

A world with less plastic

       Although eco-friendly alternatives are available, non-degradable plastics are used widely in trade and many industrial sectors. The usage of those materials takes a considerable share in the current global environmental pollution. However, there is a huge potential in reducing polluting materials.


It is our aim to implement bio-based products such as natural fibers in as many economic fields as possible and thereby substitute conventional, non-degradable plastics. We offer numerous bio-based products and renewable resources and consult companies when it comes to implementation of new materials in existing processes.


Our extension service advises producer and farmer on-site and support the establishment of joint cooperatives. Hence, we help farmers to help themselves and develop a sustainable and value-creating local infrastructure. Through integrating small-holder farmers in existing production chains, we provide them with sources of income which enable the farmers to live a self-determined life. Furthermore, long term contracts assure sufficient earnings and allow educational opportunities for the following generation.


We not only demand but also support eco-friendly and socially acceptable conditions in the whole value chain of our products. At each and every of our partners we pay attention to the compliance of working conditions and environmental safety measurements. Furthermore, we personally get ourselves a picture of the production processes on-site.


We support campaigns and projects aiming at raising the awareness for the necessity and acceptance for using bio-based products in various industrial fields.

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